Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

DUI Poems

Chelsey Marie

Chelsey Marie was the prom queen.
She had a plan and she had a dream.
She wanted to be a doctor and a wife.
Her goal was to help people have a better life.

She had a boyfriend; his name was Jim,
And she thought the world of him.
He was an athlete and he was very bright,
And he usually did what was right.

But one day he make a big mistake.
He and some friends were out by the lake.
He decided to drink a couple of beers,
Just so he could impress his peers.

Then he picked up Chelsey for their date.
She soon realized why he was so late.
His judgment impaired, she saw in a flash
That they were indeed going to crash.

A loud bang and a bloodcurdling scream,
Then the realization that it wasn’t a dream.
To this day she would still be alive,
If he hadn’t decided to drink and drive.

© Anonymous

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(Background and graphics from Kathie, kensey(at)