Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

Drive Safely

Safe-Driver TipsHow To Spot a Drunk Driver

Safe-Driver Tips

  1. Drive thoroughly refreshed: Sleep or nap before starting a long trip
  2. Schedule breaks (nap, stretch, walk, etc.):
    • every 2 hrs
    • every 100 miles
    • if feel too tired to drive
    • during drowsy early-morning hours (1-5 a.m.)
    • during drowsy mid-afternoon hours (1-5 p.m.)
  3. Keep mind alert:
    • ensure air is fresh
    • listen to "talk" radio
    • chat with passengers
    • don't rely on caffeine (in pills, colas, coffee) to keep you alert — its effects last only a short while
  4. Rest only at authorized Rest Stops: Interstate road shoulders are for emergencies only
  5. Wake a prospective co-driver at least a half-hour before needed, to prevent "sleep inertia" (the urge to fall back asleep)
  6. Abstain from drinking alcohol within four hours of driving, because:
    • alcohol exaggerates the effects of fatigue
    • even one drink can have dramatic effects on a tired person
  7. Stop driving if you demonstrate any of the following DANGER SIGNS of drowsiness:
    • eyes that close or go out of focus by themselves
    • continual yawning, blinking, or head nodding
    • wandering, disconnected thoughts and inability to concentrate
    • slowed decision-making ability
    • inability to remember driving the last few miles
    • weaving and drifting out of your lane
    • variable speeds and more intermittent braking
    • grinding gears and erratic shifting
    • driving over a shoulder rumble strip more than twice
...Thanks to the American Trucking Association and Consumers' Research Magazine (December 1998)

How To Spot an Alcohol-Impaired Driver

  1. Accelerating or decelerating quickly
  2. Almost striking an object, curb, or vehicle
  3. Appearing to be drunk (e.g., eye fixation, face close to windshield)
  4. Braking erradically
  5. Drifting; or moving in a straight line at a slight angle to the roadway
  6. Driving anywhere other than on a road designated for vehicles
  7. Driving into opposing crossing traffic
  8. Driving on the wrong side of the road
  9. Driving slower than 10 mph below the speed limit
  10. Driving with headlights off at night
  11. Following too closely
  12. Signaling that is inconsistant with driving actions
  13. Slow response to traffic signals (e.g. sudden stop or delayed start)
  14. Straddling center or lane marker
  15. Straddling lanes or tires on the center line
  16. Stopping inappropiately (other than in a traffic lane)
  17. Stopping without cause in traffic lane
  18. Swerving
  19. Tailgating
  20. Tires on center marker or lane marker
  21. Turning with wide radius
  22. Turning abruptly or illegally
  23. Weaving
  24. Stopping without cause or erratic braking
  25. Weaving or zig-zagging across the road

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