Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

DUI Poems

1 Wrong = 2 Gone

June 3rd, two detectives showed up at our door
I didn’t have a clue what they could be here for
It is when they stepped inside
I began this horrific, messed up ride

Before they arrived, I had tried many times to call you
I knew something was wrong, as I could not get through
They asked if I lived here and if I was Mrs. Edwards
I said yes but felt sick as they continued with their words

I told them to tell me that you were okay
But the look in their eyes told me there was no way
They told me you’d been hit by a drunk and were killed instantly
After hearing the news I found it very hard to breathe and very hard to see

I screamed and I cried, fell to the floor
I had to ask them how they knew it was you and if they were sure
They told me your name and the names of our friends that were with you
I asked if they were alive and they told me they were dead too

It turned out they were wrong, and one friend had somehow survived
* I waited, and the hours seemed like days and than finally Shawn arrived
When I opened the door I could see the sadness deep within his eyes
I’m sure he knew I’d have questions and that I would not want no lies

He said that the three of you were in a really great mood
Stories of the night before and jokes were told and none of you argued
Joey turned 45 the day before, so he was talking all about his birthday
You mentioned I was sick and that you felt bad for being away

Then out of nowhere you saw on the road a deer
You thought someone might hit him so you honked until he disappeared
None of you knew what was about to happen at the top of that hill
Or you would have stayed at the bottom with the deer, standing still

At the top of that hill you saw another van coming your way
You knew something was not right as you could see him start to sway
You went into the ditch, believing he would just pass the three of you
Instead that damn drunk hit your side as he went into that ditch too

He says he was out having a good time, which included drinks and a drive
If he had just stayed home, my friend and my man would still be alive
Instead he killed two incredible men and broke so many hearts
Leaving us here alone to put back together all the parts


© Amanda Connell, submitted 27 July 2007. All rights reserved.
Author’s e-mail: smardipance at

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