Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

DUI Poems


Why do they do it?
you know, act stupid.
It gets them nowhere,
The people that do it,
Why don’t they care?
Why do people drink,
don’t they ever think,
about what could happen?
Or do they just think that
they are immune
That it can’t lead them
to their doom!

I guess I don’t understand,
Why can’t they play basketball,
be a cheerleader, or even join the band.
Let me guess,
it gives you something to do, right?
Well, so does flying a kite.
Think about it.
You shouldn’t mess with your head.
You never know,
someday you might wind up dead!

© Rachel Wesselhoft [Maryjane42105974(at)], 1999. All rights reserved.

Rachel writes, “The moral is, there are better ways to spend your free time than drinking yourself to a death, or someone else’s. Please, if you have friends that do this, tell them all the reasons not to act stupid and that there are better ways to spend their time. And if they want to quit but can’t, get them help soon. Please!! Do it for them and yourself and all the victims that have lost their lives to a drunk driver.”

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