Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

Costs to DUI victims and Offenders


 a victim's life after a DUI tragedy is like this darkened sky DUI

Costs to DUI victims

Injury – Target Zero: Strategic Highway Safety Plan – Traffic Safety Facts 2008: State Alcohol-Impaired Driving Estimates [16-page PDF] – Costs include medical care, work loss, and pain and suffering--$2,332/year for each youth in the State. [2-page PDF] – Impaired Driving in Washington: Alcohol-related crash costs – DUI Victims: Those Still Suffering. Financial costs pale in comparison to the pain and suffering that many victims must endure, some for the rest of their lives.

Death – This police officer’s message is important:  “Arrive alive. Don’t drink and drive.” – Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Encyclopedia [1994-2009] – FARS 2005 Data Summary [36-page PDF] – This year, 10,839 people will die in drunk-driving crashes—one every 50 minutes.

Costs to DUI offenders

If you drink and drive, you could pay these additional costs for a DUI:

Item Cost
Vehicle towing $150
Storage $50 per day
Booking, fingerprinting, and photo fee $156
Driver license reinstatement fee $125
Car insurance increase (3-year mandatory insurance requirements) $1,000 per year
1st offense DUI fine $1,588
Assessment for the court system $816
Community service fee $150
DUI victims fund $100
Alcohol abuse education fund $50
DUI classes $550
DUI Victims' Impact sessions $20
Time payment charge $35
Public transportation for one year $500 to $800
Minimum total fees, fines, and assessments $8,240*

* If you use an attorney, the initial consultation could range from $750 to $1,000

...from the California Department of Motor Vehicles

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