Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

Guest Book 2000
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Letters From Readers

December 21, 2000
bsbchick85 writes,  “Hello, I am a sophmore. I have been looking around the site, it is wonderful. At my highschool we have started this program called LOVE, the whole concept of the program is to help stop violence, LOVE stands for “let our violence end”. our first project at school is to help stop drinking and driving, and your poem is really sad, (i am sorry to hear about your son) and i think it could touch alot of people. I would like to ask for your permission to use the poem “Shopping Day” at our assembly, if i can please email me, thanks and sorry again i know how it feels to lose a loved one.”
Editor's Response:  What a great acronym for your school program, LOVE. Yes, you have my permission to use “Shopping Day” at your assembly or any place else. Just be sure that any printed copies include my name as author as well as my e-mail address and the web site address. I have added a printout link at the bottom right of the poem that prints the poem as an .rtf (rich-text format, like MS Word) file, that you can use, or you can just print the web page directly from the Internet. Either way, the poem will be printed with the author’s name, e-mail address, and web site address. Thank you so much for working to keep your peers safe through drunk driving education programs like LOVE.
December 20, 2000
lanz writes,  “Hello, My name is Chris and i am a driver education teacher in a public high school, located in NJ. I would truly appreciate permission to use your poems in my class. I often begin class with stories and current event newpaper clippings. Please let me know if this is ok with you. ”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for writing. It is wonderful that you want to share, with your driver education class, poems against drunk driving like those I display on my web site at "". Only one of those poems is my own, however; the rest are from authors whom I contacted or who contacted me. If you are only going to read the poems (not distribute them), just print the pages directly from the Internet. When you read a poem, read the author’s name, too. If you, or anyone else, wants to re-print, re-publish, or distribute the poems, just e-mail each author and ask for permission (the e-mail address for each author is now printed on poem pages as a hyperlink beneath the poem). After receiving permission to re-print a poem, each re-printing must include the author’s name and correct contact e-mail address—or the originating web site address, if the author’s contact e-mail address is outdated. (Usually, a poem’s originating web site address is the noBAC web site, unless information under the poem indicates otherwise.)
December 14, 2000
Jennifer Batchelor writes,  “My name is Jennifer Batchelor. I am the author of this poem [Class Ring]. I wrote it in 1992, shortly after a very dear friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver. I had no idea that it had gone this far. I never imagined that I would find it on the internet. I thank you for putting it on your web site. I hope that someone can get the hope and courage to carry on after their loss with this poem the same way that I did. You don't have to give me credit though I do appreciate it. Again thank you.”
November 25, 2000
joanna writes,  “Hello. I think that the poems you have collected are wonderful. Hopefully others will read them and think twice before drinking and driving. On May 26, 2000 I lost my twin sister and her boyfriend in an accident. They were driving and his jeep flipped over and the top of the jeep came off and they were thrown from the jeep. They had both been drinking. He had been driving. Losing my twin is the worst thing that could happen to me and my family. He was also like my brother so that made it twice as hard. These poems could help prevent another family from dealing with the sorrow of what our family and friends have been dealing with.”
November 21, 2000
Jacob77347 writes,  “Hi I don’t know whether I am e-mailing the right person or not but I hope that I am. I am reading all around this site and it’s amazing how much it touches me. On July 29 1:15 a.m. of this year (2000) a very close friend of mine was killed in a car accident of the 4 passengers in his car only one survived. The intoxicated man who hit Chris’ car is fine as were all of his other passengers. I just wanted to tell you that your website is beautiful, and to thank you for it.”
November 8, 2000
Lindsay writes,  “Hi, My name is Lindsay and I am a grade 9 student. I am doing a project on some of my favorite poems and I would like to include your poem, shopping day. I feel it is importent to have your approval first and it would be greatly appriciated. I need to hear from you A.S.A.P. Thanks alot.”
Editor's Response:  Hello, Lindsay. I am so glad that you are interested in sharing some poems in your paper about how drunk (or alcohol-impaired) driving affects its crash victims. You have my permission to use my “Shopping Day” poem if you add my name as author with copyright, ae-mail address, and the poem’s web site address (
November 5, 2000
Emily writes,  Let me start out by showing my deepest sympathy for the loss of your son. I do not know when his tradegy happened or the circumstances behind it. I was just writing to ask you for permission to use your poem in a speech I have to say about drunk drivers. In my speech I am trying to inspire people to stop drunk drivers. Thank you so much. Once again I am sorry for your loss.”
Editor's Response:  Thank you, Emily, for your comments. My son was 14 when he was struck and killed by an alcohol-impaired driver late in the afternoon of New Year’s eve 1991. I am so glad that you are interested in stopping the tragedies that happen when drivers do not think it’s important to drive sober. The only poem in my collection that I actually wrote is the “Shopping Day” poem; pretty morbid, I’ve been told. But, then, so is having to deal with the aftermaths of an alcohol-related crash. Anyway, is this the poem you meant? Or was it another poem in my collection? At the bottom of each poem is the author’s name and an e-mail address where the author can be contacted, or a web site address where the author’s poem first appeared. My main concern is that whenever anybody uses a poem, that person always takes care to attach the author and his or her e-mail address—in case someone else wants to use the poem and doesn’t run afoul of copyright laws. Thanks again for being such a caring, concerned, and thoughtful person.
October 29, 2000
SuperC25 writes,  “Hi, I read one of the poems called Drunk Driving by Tessa...and i thought it would be perfect to include in my speech about drunk driving. I read that you asked to be contacted if someone wished to use something from the page. So i wanted to make sure i let you know..”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for your note. Be sure to mention the author’s name (I only know her first name) when you use the poem and say it was first published on an Australian teen magazine web site (
Thank you for helping spread the word about the dangers of drinking and driving.
October 25, 2000
detroit500 writes,  “hi, i used to drink alot until one day my husband walked out on me. he went to a woman he had been talking to on the pc. i kept drinking until someone called the police they handcuffed me took me in their car to a heath care center. i spended 2 days with people that scared me. i couldn’t eat or sleep. i got out of that place swore not to drink. it has been 7 mos since all that has happened. now my husband is home again, i thank god for that. and i don’t get drunk and i don’t drink. this almost cost me my life and the love of my life. i don’t miss it at all. i’m stronger now have learned so much. drinking isn’t worth your life and the love you have for someone or yourself. drinking isn’t fun. it can cause much pain and someone elses.”
October 15, 2000
dancingqueen_77 writes,  “hi, I just want to say that I like your webpage about drinking n driving, I lost a friend to it, and i love your poem collection. keep up the faith.”
October 4, 2000
Juanita Bezanson writes,  I wrote this poem this summer after my fiancee told me of what happened to his first love, this is there story in my words in a poem I hope you will add it to your site, my name is Juanita Bezanson I an 29 years old and write poetry regularly but just never showed anyone, but I think this one needs to be in your site for all teenagers to heed.....It is very sad but oh so very true....”
Note:  Go to this page to read Juanita’s poem.
August 18, 2000
Corey Welsh writes,  I wrote this for a close friend of mine after he got in a car/train wreck and died because of drinking and driving: In Memory of David E. Weins (June 2, 1981 - March 1, 2000)”
Note:  Go to this page to read Corey’s poem.
July 17, 2000
rook writes,  “one comment you are pretty stupid”
July 6, 2000
Teresa Hildreth writes,  “Subject: Re: A Night of Remorse. I did write this poem. I think it would be a good idea for you to put it on your website. It was written April 3, 2000. My name is Teresa Hildreth.”
Note:  Go to this page to read Teresa’s poem.
June 13, 2000
TREITZELL (Louisiana) writes,  “A friendly note to say hello. I am saddened after reading this write up. It is good to see that some people stand up to what they believe in. You know, I used to drink and drive when I was a teenager. You are as strong as the wind and stubborn as a mule. You never think nothing will happen to you.
    “Well, I am here today to say it can. I am 28 years old, married with two wonderful kids. I count my blessings everyday that God give me the chance to look back and to think of the ‘stupid’ things I did. I lost my oldest brother in 1990. He was as good as he can be. I have seen him hold 3 jobs at one time. But he had a drinking problem and it took his life at age 27. I substitute teach at the high school pretty regular during the school year and I talk to these kids. They talk about things they do openly. I was very surprized. I tell them you might think it is cool and fun now but when you grow up you will realize how crazy you were, and you will be ashamed of some things you did. But it will be a blessing to me out of all of those kids at the school if my remarks help only 1 person, that is great... again, I am sorry for the loss of your love one. You are in my prayers along with everyone else.”
June 7, 2000
jself (Jolene) writes,  “Hey! I just wanted to say that I know someone who drove drunk and died and these poems help people cope I also write and I am now doing a report on the mistakes people make. Thanks so very much...”
May 18, 2000
Eugina Depasse writes,  “Here is a poem that is similar to ‘Death of Innocence’. It has to do with peer pressure and drinking. I think you may like it.”
Note:  Go to this page to read Eugina’s poem.
May 11, 2000
Eugina Depasse writes,  “Thank you for taking the time to e-mail me back. Some of your questions are a little hard for me to respond to, because I don’t have the answers. I don’t recall naming the poem “Death of Innocence”, but whoever did, they picked a good title. As for your other questions, I don’t remember what year I wrote the poem, because I went through a period of about four years where I wrote many poems like this, but with different themes. The wording of this poem, if I’m not mistaken, is mine. I do know that when I wrote this, I made copies of it (without signing my name) for all of my friends. I guess as time went on, they passed it to their friends, and I don’t know where it went from there.
    “I’ve never lost anyone from drunk driving, but when I write, I sometimes lose myself in the story in order to make the poem more touching. I still write poems, but not as often as I used to. If you would like to read more of my work, let me know. I wouldn’t mind if you put them on your site as you did this one.
May 10, 2000
ben.andy (Ben Moubarak) writes,  “I have alot of poems with different subjects... Would you like to put some in your collection. if yes... I could send you a few from any subject of your choice. thank you.”
Note:  Go to this page to read Ben’s poems “Don’t Drink and Drive Anymore” and “The Road That Knew Better”.
May 8, 2000
bearhugs80 (Kayla) writes,  “I loved your poem a lot. I have never had anyone close to me die from a drunk driver. But I did know someone.
    “I took your poem to school and read it to my class, it affected a lot of people and made them think about drunk driving. And also what it can do to people.”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for writing and telling me of your experience. Way to go!!! I agree that this poem is one of the best written poems on the subject about why a person should never drive after having taken any kind of alcohol. (The rule is to always wait one hour for every drink taken, before driving; for example, if 3 drinks are taken, then it takes 3 hours to return a body to the non-impaired state, and that person must wait 3 hours before driving.) I did not write the “Death of an Innocent” poem, though. I recently did a survey on the Internet (using a few search engines) about this poem and found out that while most people don’t know who the author is, some people think they know—and some people even claim to be the author. This Internet Survey is a link on this page about the authorship of “Death of an Innocent”. Thanks, again, for writing.
May 7, 2000
RTer834924 (angylgp13, Jana) writes,  “hello, I just thought I might recommend a poem called ‘A Pizza, A Party and A Moonlight Ride’. It is all about what happend to a girl and her family when she got in the car with someone who was drunk. I think that this poem should be on your site. Thanks.”
Editor's Response:  Hello, Jana. Thank you for your suggestion to place the “A Pizza, A Party and A Moonlight Ride” poem on my web site. Thanks again for writing, Jana, and for your desire to warn people about the consequences of drunk and impaired driving.
May 5, 2000
eugina_520 (Eugina Depasse) writes,  “I was proud to see this poem on your website. Several years ago, I wrote this poem sitting in a classroom at school. I have seen it on another website, and I didn’t realize how far it would travel. I would appreciate it if you could recognize me as the author, but I will understand if you can’t give me full credit. Thank you, Eugina Depasse, Coalgate, OK”
Editor's Response:  I will be glad to give you credit on the poem’s ‘authorship’ page. A few years ago, I did an Internet search to find the author of “Death of an Innocent” – and found that 3 people (other than you) claimed authorship of that poem! More names have been added to the list of ‘known’ authors, according to a recent Internet Survey (you’ll find this link on my authorship page). I have added your name to the list, along with your comments. I have seen several versions of this poem on other web sites and in e-mail chain letters, mostly titled “Death of an Innocent”, but there are 23 variations of the title, also.... “Death of an Innocent” is a WONDERFUL poem that has touched many people’s lives and has caused people to change their thinking about driving after having drunk any alcohol.
March 29, 2000
sweatman1016 (Brandi) writes,  “I want to submit my personal poem, but what I have read so far has been totally different from mine. I hope that you find this useful to your website. Please inquire back and tell me what you think of it.”
Note:  Go to this page to read Brandi’s poem, “Graduation Day”. It is a great poem for a different perspective.
March 29, 2000
donocik (Fiona) writes,  “I am a 20 year old girl, who was looking on the internet for some information on Alcohol for my Media Studies college documentary that is based on ‘the effects of alcohol’. I was very moved by your poem and I thought I would just let you know, that I have forwarded it onto several of my friends and family, who I’m sure like me will appreciate the pain and suffering you have gone through due to this tragedy of the results of Drink Driving.
    “I am going to use your poem in my documentary as I feel it projects a very strong message, it will only be used as part of my college examination, but it will give a few people from college the chance to listen to it.
    Thinking of You.”
March 26, 2000
kreardon (Sarah) writes,  “I really enjoyed that poem, though I am only 13, I hear these stories everyday, and I think it is true how the one to drink stays alive but the one to think, dies.”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for your comments about the poem you read on my site. My son and his 3 friends, as in that poem, had also been "thinking...not drinking" (I *like* how you put that) as they walked home from an afternoon at the lake, listening to music on their radio. It was early evening, around 4 p.m. or so, when my son and one of his friends were struck by a lady who had been sipping wine all afternoon as she got ready for a new year’s eve celebration with her husband. My son Mark was just a year older than you. It is not only important not to mix drinking with driving, but to also not be a passenger of a driver who has not waited one hour each for every drink he or she has had before trying to drive. AND it is important always to be aware of what traffic is doing when you are a pedestrian, to avoid what happened to my son and his friends. My son and his friends thought they were safe on the shoulder of the road. Because of an impaired driver, they weren’t safe. I myself no longer feel safe when walking on a road’s shoulder. And I don’t feel safe anymore in a crosswalk, either. That impaired driver took away all feelings of safety. But maybe these experiences and this knowledge will save someone else’s life—maybe yours—by taking extra care when out on the streets as a driver, passenger, or pedestrian.
March 23, 2000
Jessika writes,  “I think that poem is the saddest and most effective thing I have ever read. I couldn’t stop reading it, and it even brought tears to my eyes. I’m only 13 years old, but I know after class ring (and some of your other poems) I am never ever going to drink or drive or let anyone I know do it. Thank you so much for your wonderful poem, it has really helped me.”
March 19, 2000
karl_goldsmith writes,  “AWESOME POEMS!”
March 6, 2000
npenner4 writes,  “Interesting site, I would agree that the ‘petite grandmother’ received only a slap on the wrist and furthurmore feel that she should have received something more severe to deter any future incedents. Here in Canada we have some of the strictest laws on impaired driving. You can be driving with only .05 blood alcohal level and recieve a 24 hour suspension, and have your vehicle towed. The impaired level is .08 and then you recieve impaired charges.”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for writing! Hurrah for Canadians who really treasure their most important asset–their citizens! I am hoping that this lady *has* been deterred from re-committing a similar atrocity because of the Civil Suit action against her in which she was required to pay a hundred dollars each month to the estate of the boy she killed. At least one day of each month for the past 7 years, she has had to think of our son and re-evaluate what she did, while she writes out a check. This way, her ‘sentence’ has been ongoing, as ours has been without our son.
March 3, 2000
telkin writes,  “i just wanted to say that those poems were really great expecially the class ring....and if more people would go to this site..then i bet you the people would think twice about drinking and driving....because i know i have....and i choose not to ever drink...if that ever happened to a family member or my twin expecially..then i dont know what i would do...thanx for this site because it helped me make a better choice in life...”
March 2, 2000
VaUgHnAnGeL7 writes,   “i just wanted to say that death of the innocent is the first poem that really made me cry and i have lots more to think about now before i let friends drink and drive.”
Editor's Response:  Thank you for your pledge not to let friends drive after drinking. A good rule to remember is: keep track of the number of drinks taken, and then wait an equal number of hours before driving. I am glad that you treasure your friends now while they are alive. Better to cry, now, from reading the "Death of an Innocent" poem, than to cry at the funeral of a friend or relative who has become the victim of an alcohol-caused crash.

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(Background and graphics from Kathie, kensey(at)