Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

Letters From Readers

Guest Book 2003

13 Oct 2003
Castillobigl writes,  “hello how is it going? i just wanted to let you know that it is great that you guys have that website it helps a lot if people read the poems. i agree with all the poems sayings and meanings because everybody has only one live to live and they should appreciate it and not ruin it themselves. well i said what i had to say so ..............thank you for the poems that you put out there i will make sure more people read it. have a good day.”
28 May 2003
cadigger writes,  “Was just surfing the web taking note of how many have suffered at the hands of others. – Donna ( 1969-2002 Killed by a drunk driver)”
12 May 2003
tschewe writes,  “Suggestion for your links page: – Thanks! ...Tim”
Editor's Response:  A link to the Rid Roads of Impaired Drivers Society’s Welcome page is now on’s DUI Educators page.
22 April 2003
Bamachik26 writes,  “I would like to send this to my two sons thay are 20 and 21 and I know that thay would like to read this and I also had a friend that was drinking and driving. And my sons best friend did the same thing and die. So I know that I would like for them to read this thank you for haveing this on here so people can read it. Thank you very much.”
17 April 2003
DEforever writes,  “Hi. I wish to have my poem Dear Mom removed. I feel I have gotten too much attention from the poem, attention that really is deserved for Eugina Depasse. I wanted to tell a story remembering her poem, but couldn't get hers, so I wrote my own. I feel that all my credit should go to her. Please understand. I know it is a poem that strikes the heart of several people, but Death of an Innocent does the same thing, and if its all the same to you, I feel mine should be removed so she can get the attention she deserves. If anyone asks why it's removed, let them know, and if anyone decides to talk to me, tell them to email me at DEforever(at) or they can contact me by AIM at DEforever or yahoo at landry382000. Thank you very much.”
10 April 2003
chillout24ever writes,  “Hello...I am part of the SADD club at my school, and we are holding a don't drink and drive week, for prom. I am in charge of finding a poem that we will read on the friday before prom, and when I read this poem, The Final Act, and I thought it was the perfect one for the job. It is my job to get permission from the author to read this at our school...”
6 April 2003
dee7bc writes,  “Hi, I just saw the poem 'But You Didn't' on your website and it said 'author unknown' written beside it. I thought you might like to know that the author is called Merrill Glass. I'm a student of speech and drama who has long been a fan of that poem so I'm certain it's the same one. Regards.”
Editor's Response:  I couldn’t find references to this author on the Internet, and I haven’t been referred to a published book with this poem in it that is ascribed to this author. I will credit the author when I receive published confirmation. There are 6 versions of this poem circulating on the Internet: (1) Viet Nam Soldier, version 1; (2) Viet Nam Soldier, version 2; (3) Viet Nam Soldier, version 3; (4) Viet Nam Soldier, version 4; (5) Teenager; (6) Drunk Driver. If anyone is interested in the location of these versions, they may do an Internet search using the words "but you didn't".
1 April 2003
ashleyk91 writes,  “On your website, it says to ask for your permission to copy the chelsey marie poem. I am doing a school project with poetry in the round and i need your permission to copy this poem as soon as possible. I would also like to know the information for a bibliography. If you could give me that information that would be great.”
Editor's Response:  It is only when a specific author is listed at the end of a poem that someone can contact the author to get permission to use his or her poem. In the case of the "Chelsie Marie" poem, however, the author is listed as anonymous (unknown). Anonymous poems may be used freely when you credit the author as "anonymous". Also, you must credit "" if you use's format of the poem in your project. I do not know the background for the "Chelsie Marie" poem or why it was written. When I have background information for a poem (given me by the poem's author), I add it at the end of the poem, after the author's name (like I do after Susan Keller's poem "Innocence Lost" on I update a poem's page when an author sends in information or when I find information about it elsewhere on the Internet. Thank you for writing. And good luck with your project.
25 March 2003
Susan Keller writes,  “Innocence Lost” – This is a poem I wrote for my nephew Shane after being killed in a drunk driving crash along with his Aunt Nicole and 2 cousins Richy and Jeremy. I would like it to placed on the web site of poems if it ok with the pages owner. Thank You. Susan Keller.”
Note:  Susan Keller’s poem, “Innocence Lost”, is now online.

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