Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI


Personal Information:  We do not sell to advertisers any personal information (name, home address, e-mail address, hobbies, etcetera) of our site visitors.
      We do use a service from Escati that allows visitors to our site to forward our site address to their friends. Escati has a strong no-share policy but adds that "Cookies received with banner ads are collected by our ad company, and we do not have access to this information."
      We obtain and share, with permission, e-mail addresses and web site addresses, if applicable, of poets whose poems appear on our site, so that readers may contact authors for permission in using their poems. We publish letters from readers but not their full e-mail addresses, unless they have shared an original poem or have come forward as author of an anonymously published poem.
      Additionally, we caution our young readers not to share their personal information within any e-mail or chat-type sessions on the Internet. Sometimes, the person on the other end of an exchange may not be whom they seem but, instead, may be a sexual predator or inmate. Some disappearances, kidnappings, and murders can be traced to Internet correspondence where a victim had innocently but wrongly believed that the person on the other end of the chat or e-mail was honest, ethical, upright, and safe.

Site Information: Our web server automatically collects and analyzes site-specific information (how long a visitor spends in our site, the number of pages browsed or images downloaded, the visitor's domain name, the kind of browser used) to ensure our pages are usable among all kinds of browsers and internet connections and to help us make our site more useful to all our visitors. A "cookie" is a small file that is transferred to a visitor's computer hard drive—but only until his or her browser is closed—for identification purposes.

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Labelled with ICRA   ·   Move To No BAC – Zero Tolerance for DUI   ·   © 1998-2010, All rights reserved.
Your comments are appreciated. Contact jme1304(at)